
The CESAR Project, a collaboration between UNC Charlotte, NC State University, and North Carolina A&T State University, is at the forefront of research in cybersecurity and energy systems. The project is focused on developing a cybersecure, carbon-neutral power grid, addressing critical challenges in modern energy infrastructure through innovative research and technological advancements.

Key Areas of Research

1. Cybersecurity of Distributed Energy Resources (DER):

  • The research emphasizes securing DER systems, which are increasingly integral to modern power grids. This includes identifying vulnerabilities, mitigating potential cyber threats, and developing robust security protocols to protect DERs from malicious attacks. Key efforts include creating a comprehensive repository of known vulnerabilities and developing automated tools for vulnerability analysis.

2. Real-Time and Faster-Than-Real-Time Simulation:

  • Researchers are developing advanced simulation platforms capable of real-time and faster-than-real-time performance. These platforms enable detailed modeling of transmission and distribution (T&D) systems, allowing for extensive testing and validation of cybersecurity measures under various scenarios. This work is crucial for ensuring the scalability and reliability of proposed solutions in real-world environments.

3. Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) Testbeds:

  • The project includes the creation of HIL testbeds, which integrate physical hardware with virtual models to simulate the operation of power systems. These testbeds are essential for testing new technologies and cybersecurity solutions in a controlled yet realistic setting. The HIL environments allow researchers to experiment with different configurations and stress-test the systems against potential cyber threats.

4. Intelligent Energy Management and Control:

  • Researchers are focusing on advanced energy management systems that utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning to optimize the control and operation of power grids. This includes developing algorithms for the dynamic reconfiguration of microgrids, demand response strategies, and the integration of renewable energy sources. The goal is to enhance the efficiency, reliability, and security of energy distribution.

5. Human-Centered Computing and Usable Security:

  • The project also addresses the human factors in cybersecurity, aiming to develop user-friendly security mechanisms and interfaces. This includes designing systems that are not only secure but also easy to use and manage by operators, reducing the likelihood of human error and improving overall system security.

Future Funding and Sustainability

The CESAR Project is designed to be a sustainable and scalable platform for ongoing research and development. Key objectives for future funding include:

  • Grid Cybersecurity: Strengthening UNC Charlotte’s competitiveness in grid cybersecurity research, with expectations for additional funding opportunities and collaborations with industry and other universities, particularly HBCUs like NC A&T.
  • NSF Engineering Research Center (ERC): The project aims to secure an ERC designation, potentially providing $10M annually from the NSF. This funding will support advanced research in cybersecurity modeling and simulation, enhancing the project’s capabilities and impact.
  • National Security Agency (NSA) Partnerships: Expanding existing partnerships with the NSA to enhance national defense and security research, leveraging the testbed’s capabilities to address critical infrastructure vulnerabilities.

In summary, the CESAR Project’s research work is a comprehensive effort to revolutionize the power grid through advanced cybersecurity measures, innovative energy management systems, and robust educational programs. By combining the strengths of its partner institutions and focusing on interdisciplinary collaboration, the project aims to create a secure, resilient, and sustainable energy future.

In the ever-evolving landscape of energy systems, ensuring robust security and reliability is paramount. Our state-of-the-art testbed development initiatives at UNC Charlotte are designed to address the complex challenges of modern energy grids. By leveraging advanced technologies and interdisciplinary research, we aim to make significant strides in energy security and resilience.

1. Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) Testbeds

Our HIL testbeds integrate real-world hardware with simulated environments to create realistic and dynamic testing scenarios. This allows us to:

  • Emulate Smart Home Devices: Virtual instances of IoT devices are created to study normal user behavior and monitor for potential vulnerabilities.
  • Simulate Grid Dynamics: Test the impacts of various attack vectors on grid stability and performance, including device spoofing, firmware vulnerabilities, and man-in-the-middle attacks.
  • Evaluate Security Measures: Implement and assess the effectiveness of advanced cybersecurity protocols in real-time.

2. Software-Based Integrated T&D Testbeds

Our software-based testbeds offer a flexible and scalable approach to testing and validation. Key components include:

  • Network Traffic Analysis: Utilize sophisticated tools to monitor and analyze network traffic, identifying potential threats and anomalies.
  • Fuzzing and Penetration Testing: Apply AI-assisted fuzzing techniques to uncover vulnerabilities in software and firmware.
  • Virtual Environments: Create controlled environments to simulate various cyber-attacks and study their impacts on grid operations.

3. Geographically-Distributed Testbeds

Our distributed testbeds span multiple locations, such as Charlotte and Raleigh, enhancing our ability to:

  • Conduct Large-Scale Testing: Coordinate testing across different sites to study the effects of distance and geographic distribution on grid reliability.
  • Collaborate with Industry Partners: Work closely with industry stakeholders, including the Department of Energy and National Security Agency, to ensure our research aligns with real-world needs.

Emulating Smart Home Devices

Our approach to emulating smart home devices involves creating virtual instances that replicate the behavior of real IoT devices. This enables us to:

  • Map Attack Surfaces: Identify and analyze potential attack surfaces across a wide range of devices.
  • Conduct Penetration Testing: Perform thorough penetration testing to uncover and mitigate vulnerabilities.
  • Generate Real-Time Data: Collect real-time power consumption data to evaluate the effects of various attacks on energy efficiency and reliability.

Network Traffic Analysis and Security Measures

We employ a multi-layered approach to network traffic analysis, combining tools such as:

  • Binary Analysis Tools: Examine the binary code of devices to detect malicious modifications.
  • Honeypots: Set up honeypots to attract and study cyber-attacks, gaining insights into attacker behavior and techniques.
  • Network Simulators: Use simulators to recreate network conditions and study the impact of different attack vectors.

Benefits of Our Testbed Development

  • Enhanced Security: By identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities, we significantly enhance the security of energy systems.
  • Improved Reliability: Our comprehensive testing ensures that energy grids can withstand various cyber and physical threats.
  • Industry Collaboration: Partnering with leading industry stakeholders ensures our research is practical and impactful.
  • Cutting-Edge Research: Our interdisciplinary team leverages the latest advancements in technology and research to push the boundaries of what’s possible in energy security.